About CommonVibes

What happens when four very different women room together?


Not with each other (you wish), but they’re certainly open to exploring their own sexual antics.

Our Mission

Common Vibes was created with the intent of empowering women and freely expressing female sexuality. The series consistently uses an all female crew in order to not only provide jobs for women in the film industry but to create a truly authentic female voice that can represent more than one type of woman. A series for women by women. This series is not only for women however, it can open a door for men to see into what it means to be a woman and the struggles most all of us have faced at one time or another. Common Vibes is for everyone, let’s start a conversation.


The inspiration for the series came from the way society treats women talking about sex. If a man says he slept with a woman on the first date, he is a player. However if a woman sleeps with a man on the first date (god forbid), she is deemed a slut. Having a primarily male group of friends during the age of discovering my own ideas about sex and intimacy I would listen to hours on end of their sexual exploits. The moment I began to mention my own, the boys in the group would freak out and act as if I was speaking of something unnatural despite fitting directly into the conversation. Now as an adult I am open about my sexual experiences, and I believe that all women deserve the ability to speak out about their sex lives, or to keep it to themselves. The point is that we deserve just as much of a choice to speak as men.

Behind the Stories

The situations and stories in Common Vibes are intended to be relatable to everyone, Each woman should have a character or more that they can see little bits of themselves in, or understand the situations in which they find themselves. Every story in the series is based (some very closely) on an actual event in my life or another woman’s who was willing to share her story. It’s all real. It’s all honest. It’s being a woman.